Psychological Testing
Deepen your understanding to unlock possibility.
Psychological Testing
All testing services utilize the gold standard of normed, empirically supported measures.
Gifted Testing
Early identification of your child’s academic potential is key in terms of aligning their school trajectory.

Learning Disability
Testing for ADHD provides important advantages that can vastly improve quality of life and overall performance.

Differential Diagnosis
Testing focuses on identifying relevant diagnostic criteria and ruling out similar but inaccurate conditions.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Testing
Early identification of your child’s academic potential is key in terms of aligning their school trajectory.

Immigration Evaluations for Citizenship Examination Waiver (N648)
Testing for ADHD provides important advantages that can vastly improve quality of life and overall performance.
Psychological Testing
All testing services utilize the gold standard of normed, empirically supported (research-based), valid, and reliable assessment measures individually selected for you based upon your testing needs and circumstances.
Our testing services are provided in person at our Brickell location. Some testing services are available in Spanish.

Gifted Testing
Gifted testing is an important first step in clarifying your child’s academic potential. Gifted testing can identify where your child functions at an intellectual level, as well as highlighting important strengths and weaknesses. Early identification of your child’s academic potential is key in terms of aligning their school trajectory.
At Brickell Psychology, we are fully aware of the requirements of the Miami Dade public school system, as well as those requirements for private and parochial schools. We utilize the gold-standard of normed, empirically supported (research-based), valid, and reliable tests required by schools. Additionally, if your child has been evaluated in the past year, we can offer an alternative assessment to ensure the most valid and reliable results, given the inability to use the same test twice in one calendar year.
Psychoeducational Testing
Psychoeducational and Neuropsychological testing is an important first step in understanding the nature of academic, behavioral and/or emotional concerns. Testing provides an opportunity to gain valuable information regarding an individual’s learning style in order to optimize their academic experience and confidence. Evaluations include tests of intellectual functioning, information processing, executive functioning, academic achievement, and social-emotional/psychological functioning to clarify diagnosis and develop a roadmap for treatment.
At Brickell Psychology we create an individualized battery of tests to clearly identify the nature of your concern, and develop a plan with a wide variety of treatment recommendations. An initial and key part of the process involves a thorough clinical interview which gathers relevant developmental data and utilizes available supplementary sources of information to gather important background information that allows us to individualize your testing experience and rule out confounding conditions such as anxiety and depression. We work as a team to provide you with answers to your questions as well as follow up support.

ADHD Testing
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a biological condition which encompasses a variety of symptoms that broadly cause difficulties with sustaining concentration and attention, controlling impulses and mood, and regulating behavior and activity levels. Individuals with ADHD will often have difficulties with school and occupational tasks, may complain of memory deficits, struggle with organization, feel overwhelmed by their everyday tasks, and have interpersonal difficulties related to the disorder. Furthermore, ADHD symptoms often limit an individual’s ability to perform to their highest capacity and result in inaccurate and stigmatizing mislabeling of “laziness” or “lack of intelligence.”
The symptoms of ADHD can additionally look like or even cause anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. As a result, diagnosing ADHD can be difficult without formal evaluation. Often, individuals are apprehensive about getting an official ADHD diagnosis for themselves or their child. It is common to be concerned about being labeled or worried about the implications of testing (e.g., stigma, medication, etc.).
However, testing for ADHD provides important advantages and options that can vastly improve quality of life and overall performance. An accurate diagnosis provides important information for creating a treatment plan and getting help (which does not uniformly require medication). With a formal diagnosis, helpful accomodations can be provided in school or the workplace that make significant differences in individuals’ ability to perform to their fullest potential. Furthermore, ADHD symptoms can result in feelings of guilt and shame, as well as inaccurate beliefs about limited intelligence or capacity. Targeted interventions can significantly reduce the feelings of frustration and distress associated with everyday tasks.
Psychodiagnostic / Differential Diagnosis Testing
Mental health conditions not only share several key symptoms, however, they often co-occur or can cause and aggravate one another. As a result, accurate and speedy diagnosis can become challenging, providing barriers to successful intervention and therapeutic progress. Psychodiagnostic or differential diagnostic testing increases the accuracy and thoroughness of an individual’s diagnosis by providing a comprehensive, standardized, and valid evaluation of symptoms, behaviors, personality traits, and circumstances.
At Brickell Psychology the testing process is always individualized; with hand-selected measures that follow the gold-standard of normed, empirically supported (research-based), valid, and reliable tests. A vital part of the process involves a thorough clinical interview which gathers lifelong historical data and utilizes available supplementary sources of information (e.g., medical consultation, consultation with loved ones, consultation with previous mental health providers, etc.). Testing focuses on identifying relevant diagnostic criteria and ruling out similar but inaccurate conditions.
Although the process of receiving an accurate diagnosis can feel daunting and vulnerable, the benefits of it can make important differences in the efficacy of treatment and the prognosis of an individual’s condition. We are empathetic to the delicate nature of this process and are dedicated to attending to your individual needs with compassion, professionalism, and warmth.

Immigration Evaluations for Citizenship Examination Waiver (N648)
we provide psychological evaluations that assess a person’s attention, concentration, ability to learn new information, memory, and intellectual capacity. These assessments allow us to objectively confirm, describe, and substantiate various disabilities and levels of impairments related to mental health conditions including conditions such as dementia, head injury, intellectual disability, and disabilities related to chronic mental health conditions (e.g., bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc.).
Our assessment process will include a thorough clinical interview in addition to the administration of an individualized battery of empirically supported tests/measures selected to objectively capture your cognitive capacities and limitations impacting your ability to demonstrate the requirements for naturalization. The assessment process will typically take two or more days, after which, you are provided with a certified N648 form and addendum report.
Reach out to us for a free consultation today if you feel you qualify for an exemption from the English language and US Civics requirements for US naturalization and would like to inquire about our testing services for your case.